Saturday, January 16, 2010

No clever title. Just be a better person. the end.

Thoughts, prayers, condolences, and absolute best wishes to those desperately in need of help in Haiti, or those around the world with friends or families in Haiti. I wish for expedience, efficiency, and effectiveness in the relief effort. If anything can be gained from this tragedy, hopefully it is a perspective on the precariousness of life, and the fortune with which most of us are privileged to live every day. Take nothing and nobody for granted. Remember what we share as humans, and not what separates us by imaginary borders, meaningless race distinctions, partitioning political factions, and the derision and divisiveness that all too often pervades and pollutes this planet.

A lot of sympathy has poured to the people of Haiti, both because of the scope of the tragedy, and the immediacy with which it must be addressed. It is my sincere wish that the amount of sacrifice, helpfulness, and conviction that people have shown to Haiti will spill over and foster an awareness of the grand scale of problems that face people from every corner of the globe. Live your life in a mindful manner, extend a hand to those in need. Get off your ass and make the world a better place. Don't be a selfish prick. Live with integrity. Not later. immediately. It doesn't matter how little or much you give, it doesn't matter whether it is time, money, expertise, or just compassion... Everybody can do something. No matter how small, how seemingly trivial your gesture, you can make a difference. Do it, and do it now.

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