Tuesday, June 22, 2010

que sera, sera.

and so the sun set today, on this metaphorical summer solstice. Rather than curse the darkness, I feel lucky to have enjoyed the beauty while it lasted. Words can't express how sad I am. But I will not let my circumstances determine my mood. Life is not the hand that you've been dealt, but the way you play it. A glass with a drop of water is not empty, it possesses a drop... and because of the emptiness around it, that drop means so much more. I shall not live in the past, I shall not let a disappointing feeling determine my overall happiness. To the sun that has set. I wish you nothing but the absolute best. From these embers rose a pixie. Conquer the world. Take from it all that you deserve. I'm fortunate to have met you. I have no question your potential and your destiny. Your life will be great because of what an amazing person you are... and rather than clip your wings, I encourage you to fly. Fly to limits you thought impossible, fly amongst the stars, and shine. Shine with every bit of light that radiates from you. Good luck, from the bottom of my heart. I love you.

Life is a series of moments. relish in them. Soak and bask in the sunshine while it beams down on you. For soon it will be gone. Live right now. it is the darkness that helps us to appreciate the light. I shall not curse you darkness. I'll merely recognize your importance as I begin to see the light.

I'm thankful for my friends, family, and all the blessings I have in my life. I can't describe how much i appreciate every single one of you that care about me. Thank you.

I think this blog has probably met it's end as well. A wonderful chapter in my life, but I will probably be starting a new blog. To my dedicated readers, I bid you adieu, and will keep you apprised of how you can continue to follow my unentertaining and random cross section of my brain. Good night.

Goodbye kisses to you all.

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