Monday, April 5, 2010


-When people that don't know me try to talk to me about poker. You don't know what you are talking about. Please just leave me alone.

-people who pronounce etc. as "ex cetera." It's et cetera. don't make me aks you again.


-why is the word panic in hispanic? that's just anglo-centric racism O.o

-when people say "antisocial" when they mean "asocial"

-when somebody takes the last slice, piece, or part of something. If there is only one of something left in a group, and you take it... chances are, you're a selfish bag of douche.

-when people say atm machine. You're going to the automated teller machine machine? Oh! awesome... don't forget your personal identification number number.

-people who talk shit about other people. (those people are fuckers O.o)

-rich white men that are anti-abortion.

-mushrooms. bleh.

some of my favorites:
when somebody says what flavor is that candle.
when people misuse literally.
dogs that wave.
polite people.

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