Wednesday, February 17, 2010

bye bye bayh.

I pledge frustration to the flag, of the divided states of america. and to the republican filibuster for which it falls, one nation, under minority control, divisible, with liberty and justice for few.

Senator Bayh resigned. I can't say that I'm sad. He justified his decision because of the partisan politics that have engulfed our capital. It would be an honorable move if he wasn't one of the primary problems in the legislative process. Thanks for helping to kill health care ass. The political climate has changed... (ha climate change)... I am getting super tired of hearing things like "how's that hopey-changey stuff workin' out for ya?" People and retards like Sarah Palin (satirically speaking), miss the obvious picture. Anybody that blames Obama for a lack of political progress is naive. He is only one of the three prongues of power that make up our system of governance. The supreme court has been utter shit... but we'll leave them out of it for the moment. The real problem is congress... and more specifically... the senate. If anybody wants to castigate the administration for not enacting broad, comprehensive programs to fix our nation, they shouldn't point at Obama, but rather at the senate. Obama may be cast as the black sheep (how fitting considering the racial undertones of right-wing radicalism)... but in truth, you really can't blame him for much of the problem. The legislation he proposes... legislation that he campaigned on, is being held up by a unanimous republican opposition (despite the facts of the issue)... and a few democratic senators in the pockets of major lobbyist, that don't want to bite the hand... or perhaps "hook" that feeds them. If Obama was monarch, these problems would not be the same. they may be worse... they may be better... but not the same... assigning the blame to Obama is ridiculous. If what he had proposed had passed and failed... sure.. castigate, vehemently disagree, shout socialism and mao and all that propagandist bullshit at the top of your blue-bleeding lungs... but if you look at the real world... that's not the case. Obama is a mere scapegoat, for something he whole-heartedly tries to fix. Obama WAS elected by a 52% to a 46% margin. and he promised change. what's the problem? Apparently, now... unlike any other time in our history, having a strong majority like 52 to 46 percent at the polls and 60 (59) to 40 (41) in the senate doesn't mean shit. Now, you need a full 3/5 of the senate to be on board for anything to get done. Considering the republicans; numbering just 1 member over the 2/5 margin needed to slow congress to a halt, have vowed to oppose anything that obama proposes... congress has been rendered useless. Disagreement is fine. But who the fuck disagrees with themselves. that's just rifuckingdiculous. There are many cases of republican senators cosponsoring and endorsing a bill... but then ending up voting AGAINST it, once Obama has said it's a good idea. How can you promote legislation as imperative... and then vote against it once it becomes politically advantageous to oppose it? Really. Republicans. Get over yourselves. There is a fuck load to be done... and if you can't find one ounce of metaphorical agreement from a metaphorical ton of proposed legislation, you are fucking worthless. To unilaterally oppose nearly all legislation obama endorses, whether you believe in it or not, is absolutely destroying our country. Difference of opinion is fantastic. but this shit is ridiculous. Clearly there is some shit that needs to be taken care of. I don't care if you make a teeny tiny baby step... but make a FUCKING step. You are the minority party. you got your asses handed to you in the 2008 elections... for you to think that what you aspouse is some sort of infallible doctrine is absurd. People were unenamored by your policies, that's why 52% of the people voted for obama. they wanted change... and when 52% of a populace wants change, they should get it... that is democracy. Demanding 60% is tyranny by the minority, and it does absolutely nothing but harm our country like a festering parasite feeding opportunistically on whatever scrap of food (political points) it can get it's grubby little hands on. seriously. i'm sure you agree on some things... get them done... and if you don't agree on anything... listen to the american people. if 51% of them agree, perhaps think of looking into that issue a little bit... that's democracy in action. Democracy is not some tired, pharmaceutically financially backed politician, standing up for the minority because of their unproportionate influence. a majority is a majority. At least allow things to go to a vote. phil... you're a buster. somebody get rid of the fucking thing. it's become absurd. I've seen better accomplishments in a blind dart throwing contest. Quit pretending there aren't areas of agreement, quit distorting the facts. Find what you DO agree on... and fix that. Clearly our system is broken. I'm not one to say I have all the answers... but clearly some answers are so self-evident, that the obstruction of them is ridiculous, shameful, and ultimately contributing to the downfall of our society. Get off your asses. reconcile differences. find agreements, and let's fix some shit. And for god, allah, Buddha, or Vishnu's sake... quit blaming obama. this shit is completely out of his hands. it's up to you congress... and more specifically you senators. Quit having pissing contest, quit comparing the sizes of your dicks, quit standing on pseudo-principle instead of what's best for your constituents. get your head out of your ass (not the demorcratic ass)... and fucking do something.

Let's not forget how disproportionately the senate represents the US. I am not one to say that it is bad I understand the reasoning behind it... but... two senators from each state get to represent the state... regardless of population.. that means small little states like utah, wyoming, idaho etc, have the same clout as new york, california, and illinois. I understand the reason for doing this... but at some point, you have to look back and realize that the senate is not even close to a fair reflection of the populace as a whole. The majority of people live in states represented by democratic senators... it is the republican senators with very few constituents that seem to be the hold up. A senator from a district that has 800,000 people gets the same legislative say as a senator from a district of tens of millions of people. there's a reason for this, sure... but to deny that the minority has entirely too much control... which they use for obstructionist means... is irrefutable.

side note. Dick Cheney has said that he thinks the waterboarding of "enemy combatants" terrorists, etc... is a-okay. Well, I don't pretend to know what is okay or not okay... however... I do know this. Many countries. England, Spain, and a host of arabic countries think that dick cheney is an enemy combatant.. that he unlawfully tortured prisoners, and committed war crimes. My idea is that Cheney gets to keep his firm beliefs that waterboarding is okay... the only caveat being... that anybody that sees him as a terrorist or enemy combatant, has the exact same right to waterboard him and use extreme interrogation at their will. He agrees to that for him... and perhaps even his republican shill family... then I'm totally oaky with him being for it. There are many people out there that think he is just as bad as some of the terrorist... unless they are afforded the opportunity to waterboard him, i don't think it's fair for him to remain so resolute in his stance. Once he gets waterboarded a few times... I may reconsider my stance. furthermore, If he can be arrested, and not granted the rights of habeus corpus... then maybe I'll look to suspending the other people's rights as well. He is hardly an expert on terror policy. His terrorist program diluted troops in the most critical battleground, lost face for the nation, and cost us billion, if not trillions of dollars, and thousands of lives... then he has the audacity to go after obama for his methodology for approaching our international wars and conflicts. Obama has done more to secure our nation, rhetorically, militarily,and diplomatically than bush/cheney in the past eight years. We are almost out of Iraq. we've made tremendous headway in afghanistan, even capturing the taliban's number two. I don't care if you have a debate... but for god, allah, or krishna's sake... don't make up facts. it's just plain stupid, ignorant, and incendiary.

whatever. I'm disillusioned at the moment, ignore my pontification... if one lesson is to be taken though... obama isn't to fault for the lion-share of what people fault him for. He has no control over the fickle senate that filibusters nearly every damn bill. what the hell is he supposed to do if he can't use senate in the way they were intended to be used?

chinese was good.
zhongwen ke hen haole.

i have much more to write about, but it seems that I am not going to.
favorite movie: eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
favorite song at the moment: underoath "moving for the sake of motion"
current favorite tv show (aside from house): burn notice

I like being pretty sometimes... it really seems to play to my advantage.
I played a little bit of poker in the last few days. go me.
I've learned to write some chinese characters. I dislike canteloupe completely.
same with that other shitty fruit like it. honeydew? some sort of mellon? i don't remember.. i lose. it's cause i'm hen lei. le fuck. i go to sleep.


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