Wednesday, February 10, 2010

whit, wit, this blog is shit. :(

happy birthday whit. Today was an odd, odd day... People are strange. some ignorant, some enigmatic, some complex, some so simple they seem complex. Life on the other hand, pretty straight-forward I think. I've got a grasp on it. My motivation is unparalleled, my brain has been swelling with knowledge, my heart with compassion, my will with resolve. A few people continue to surprise me in a good way. Those people make life fun. My mom, especially. I aspire to be like her daily. Brother too. I'm blessed with a tremendous and inspiring family. My chinese is hen hao. muy bien. molto bene... etc. etc. Tomorrow I will continue down a rewarding and fruitful path. life is good. roommates are good. friends are good. It's fun being pretty too. I'm flattered every time somebody strokes my ego... and i got a good stroking today. that sounds dirty O.o Angela Oh... kick ass. appreciate it. I believe that I shall go to sleep now. ambien.. nice to see you again. what do you say we retreat to the deepest recesses of my mind and enjoy the random, sporadic, unpredictable neuronal firings. Let me learn lessons from the vague, subjective mysteries of chaotic electrical manifestation. Lately, in my dreams, My typical lucidity has evaded me, but complexity has enveloped my brain in contemplative conundrums. I look forward to it. butterfly, flap your wings. hurricane, surge out of control. I embrace you with open arms and an open mind. the future is soon to be far behind. I look forward to looking back on it. but back to the point. Life is full of wonderment. revel in it. This chace won't come again. Today is the only day that exist. learn from yesterday, look forward to tomorrow, but live in the present.

les motherfucking kisses.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for coming!!! I hope you guys had fun!!! O.o
